I have used it with 3rd graders, 4th graders and now with 2nd graders.
Each year I get a little different reaction from the students, the 4th grade thinks it's an easy book until they have to read it aloud. To their credit they always tackled the book and practiced the book until they could read it fluently to their kindergarten reading buddy. As much as the kindergartner liked being read to, it was the 4th graders who really got into the stories. They enjoyed using voice intonations to show emotions in the book. Martha's anger when George peeks in on her during her bath, using their highest voice to convey Martha's vanity when she continually looks at herself in the mirror.
It also helped that I made them write at least 5 questions that they will ask their kindergarten reading buddy.
And now with 2nd graders an new experience; they identify with the relationship George and Martha have. Are George and Martha always nice to each other? No, but they always make up by being honest with each other. Do they always get along, no but they always put their friendship above whatever problem they are facing. Most of all, George and Martha reflect the relationship most 2nd graders have with each other; caring, honest and forgiving.
In other words, the relationship we all wish we had with each other.