Just over a year ago we were promised change, instead we are getting even more of what made NCLB so detestable.
From edweek and the AP:
"The U.S. Department of Education has given the green light to the $350 million Race to the Top assessment competition, which will award grants to groups of states to create rigorous common tests to complement the common standards effort already underway.
We have spent eight years testing our students to death to meet ridiculous NCLB standards and now, Sec of Ed Arne Duncan wants to give states even more money, millions in fact, to develop more rigorous tests. Thanks Mr. Secretary, the exact thing I was hoping for, more ways to spend my time hearing about how we HAVE to do better on "the test". Where is the change? Where is the new way of educating?
I expect that Duncan or one of his entourage who have toured many public schools. I woiuld hope in their travels that maybe they've noticed our schools are falling apart, or maybe they've picked up a New York Times you've seen that districts have had to let thousands of teachers go because of falling revenue. Yet, this administration is awarding millions for more testing.