Teacher seduces and sleeps with student. Teacher has Facebook and MySpace accounts and talks about student on both. What makes this case different? They had sex over 3o0 times between February 2006 and November 2007 and it didn't happen in Florida, it happened outside Boston. The teacher, Christine McCallum is 29 and is on leave from her position at Abington Elementary School. The picture is her and her husband Scott from Facebook.
According to the Boston Herald; "Her alleged teenage conquest told police they had sex more than 300 times - almost “every other day” while he was 13, 14 and 15 years old. The boy told police they had sex for the first time Feb. 7, 2006, on a couch at McCallum’s Rockland home while her husband slept upstairs, according to a police report.
McCallum and the boy had unprotected sex in the shower, on the kitchen floor and the living room floor on a green shag rug that was seized yesterday as a result of a search warrant, court documents say."
The teacher is denying everything saying; McCallum’s lawyer, Frederick McDermott, said McCallum took in the boy and his younger brother, who were being raised by a single dad. She denies all the allegations.
“She tried to mother the child because she felt sorry for them,” he said.
But the boy and several other facts seem to tell a much different story.
McCallum weaved her way into the boy’s life in late 2005, prosecutors said, when she became a tutor for his younger brother, let them stay at her house, emptied their backpacks after school, fed them dinner and gave them rides.
But within months, prosecutors said, McCallum was plying the boy with cranberry and vodka drinks, Jell-o shots and rum, and sleeping with him in her house and his house.
McCallum ended the relationship in November 2007 in a fit of jealousy, after she found out he was using the cell phone she bought him to text other girls, police said. They had sex that night for the last time, police said.
“She was crying. She kissed him and told him she loved him. He told her he loved her,” according to a police report.
Plymouth prosecutor Michael Scott said McCallum was “obsessed” with the boy, writing the boy 10 love letters. “I would choose you over this job,” she wrote, Scott said. “I trust you that ‘this’ can work.”
In a MySpace [website] message, McCallum wrote that she struggled with her desires, Scott said. “It’s hard to be with you and set boundaries,” she allegedly wrote. “It’s hard to kiss you and tell you no.”
And what will happen to her.. Odds are a slpa on the wrist.
I read recently that a guy had CONSENTUAL sex with a girl (who was 16 and he was 18). He was of course sent up the preverbial river and received 25 years in prison. Reason, the Father found out and pushed the book at him. If genders reversed would the same outcome..
Hell no.
Gender absolutely matters, the majority of women in these cases get probation if anything. If they serve any time it's because they refuse to stop sleeping with the student even if they are ordered by the court.
The men at best get fired, even if the allegations are proven false. They often serve time as everyone should who does this, men and women.
Your view is the right one, it's just not supported by what has happened.
Mary Letourneau is the classic start case that made news and is the one of them all that served the most time. But it was after she was arrested a total of 5 times with Vili Fualaau but the first 3 times here wrist was slapped.
Their is another man her was was stated to have had a realtionship with a woman and he was been placed on leave and later fired, even though later (same year as Mary) was exonerated. The ladder is more common.
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