The last person kids need to hear that Santa doesn't exist is from a substitite teacher but that's exactly what hapenned at Blackshaw Lane Primary School in Royton, Greater Manchester England. The class of 25 allegedly became rowdy talking about Santa Claus and the teacher blurted out that he did not exist in an effort to calm them down. Merry Christmas...
Calm them down by telling them Santa doesn't exist?!
It's the same as calming pirahanas down by throwing fresh meat into the water, telling people at Wal-Mart that even more sh-- is on sale or that there are only 4000 Hannah Montana tickets available.
The sub has been disciplined according to a letter sent to parents.
Two good things about this story:
1. it didn't happen in the US,
2. it didn't involve a teacher sleeping with students
holy shitttttttttttt
That could be used at many stages in the story
Wow!!! what a gash that woman is...What kind of discipline was she given...I hope a kick in the CUNextTuesday.
I am glad to hear it didn't happen in the U.S. Those stories almost always involve a teacher sleeping with students.
It was a sub, probably fired.
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