This story was in the our daily paper this morning. I had to read it twice to make sure I had read it right.
According to the police report; Cookeville police arrested a Cookeville woman and her boyfriend in the rape of her three-month-old baby boy. Police said on Nov. 15 the couple reported the baby was not breathing. The baby was transferred to Vanderbilt University Medical Center with injuries and remained there for several weeks.Police said the baby is recovering and has been placed in the custody of his biological father.Amish and Holman were booked into the Putnam County jail, where bond was set at $200,000.
I cannot describe how sick and disgusted this story makes me.
someone take them out back & unload the 12 gauge in them.......OMFGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG
If what people say about prison is true, that child molesters are the lowest form of life, this guy will get his behind bars.
I also felt a little sorry for the person who had to write the article.
this is by far the most OUTRAGEOUS thing i've ever ever ever ever read......jesus christ on crutches....WHY?
I don't know and I do not want any details about the story except to hear how much time they will both spend in prison.
BTW-how in the f--k does a mother let her boyfrind/anyone do this to her child without killing them?!
1 word for the mother if u can call her that, ya ready?
if i ever meet her i will be sure to KICK HER hard in hers with my high heels on!!!!!!!!!
oh ya
it takes ALOT to get me to say/type the C word
yes it does, it's one thing to say it another to type it. It's not a word to use lightly because of the response it gets but sometimes, like this time, it's the right word.
My new blog is a lot more fun than this one.
well i'll be sure to check it out then! as always!!
i didn't read the article above cuz i couldn't but is this poor baby still alive? and will he/she be ok?
does it tell the parent's names? Marko asked me & YA u know why right.....
The child is okay, he, yes it was a boy, was at Vanderbilt Children's Hospital for several weeks and his biological father now has custody. Yes the article gives the mom's name, Ella Marie Rose Amish and her boyfriend Richard Holman. The boyfriend was the one who actually did it to the baby.
thank u!
first of all you stupid mother fuckers who dont know richard have know room to talk. you need to keep your god damn mouth shut about shit you dont know nothing about except for what the stupid papers say. its not true. richard is a good guy. why dont you read the paper that says their is no evidence of child rape. its in the herald citizen if your broke ass can afford one. second of all i took some of those comments as threats and thats illegal in the state of tn. i dont know where the fuck your imbred ass is from but in tn you are innocent until proven guilty. so why dont you get more information before you start running your drive thru dick wash. why dont you just go fuck your momma and get it over with you imbred cocksuckers.
Connie, you must be a relative of this POS or his girlfriend since you don't seem concerned that a 3 month old infant was injured, only that this POS and his girlfriend are accused of a heinous crime.
The injuries the child suffered were enough to get him moved to Vanderbilt instead of the hospital in Cookeville. Kids aren't moved to Vanderbilt for a scratch, their injuries are life-threatening or there is severe trauma.
The POS in question is quoted as saying; "A young man charged with rape of an infant here denies the accusation and has told police that injuries to the baby may have resulted from an effort to treat a medical condition the child had." (Quote from the Cookeville Herald Citizen)
Hardly proof that the POS or the girlfriend is innocent. The judge denied bond, that doesn't happen if the judge thinks there is any proof that you are innocent or the judge thinks you'll stick around for your trial.
Whatever injuries the POS in question caused this child, intentional or not, they are hopefully enough to put him and the girlfriend in prison.
If you think the comments on this blog are threats wait until some of the well-educated inmates hear that he hurt a child, they aren't going to care if it was rape or if he was just trying to treat a medical condition the child had.
Connie, go Google the POS's name and see the hits you get, it's about 10,000. I hope you have the time to respond to all those as thoughtfully as you did to mine.
tell me connie, are your richards' wife? the mother of this baby?
trust me, by what you typed, you've NO ROOM to call anyone inbred.
enjoy your 15 minutes of shame here, because really, that's all you have.
i will leave KARMA deal with all of your nasty ugly ness.....enjoy your day connie & remember
YOU have a kicken weekend :)
i had no idea you & richard made such a handsome looking couple. Awesome to put a face with the lovely typing skills.
hopefully you will never breed again.
thank you,
that is all~
Here's the latest article from the Cookeville paper that I'm too poor to buy:
"Judge denies lower bond in child rape case
Mary Jo Denton
Herald-Citizen Staff
Tuesday, Jan 13, 2009
COOKEVILLE -- A young man charged with rape of an infant here denies the accusation and has told police that injuries to the baby may have resulted from an effort to treat a medical condition the child had.
That and other information about the case came out in a bond hearing held in Criminal Court yesterday for Richard Holman, 24, of Sparta, who along with the baby's mother, Ella Amish, 19, of East 17th Street, Cookeville, is charged in the case.
"He said early on the child had anal fissures and he was treating it with paper towels and peroxide and he must have pushed too hard," Cookeville Police Detective Sgt. Bobby Anderson testified yesterday.
As for how the three-month old baby got a broken leg, Holman told police in the initial investigation that "he was administering CPR (when the baby was found not breathing) and grabbed him and turned him upside down, trying to dislodge anything that might be choking him," the detective testified.
Holman was in court with his lawyer, Assistant Public Defender E.J. Mackie, trying to get his $200,000 bond reduced pending trial in the case.
But Judge David Patterson, after listening to testimony and hearing arguments from the prosecutor, Assistant District Attorney Doug Crawford and from Mackie, denied the request and ordered that the bond remain the same.
The case came to the attention of police on Nov. 15 when Holman and his girlfriend of the time, Amish, called 911 and reported that the infant -- her son but not his -- was found not breathing.
Paramedics found the infant injured and very ill. They rushed him to Cookeville Regional Hospital and then to Vanderbilt Hospital in Nashville.
Doctors soon documented for police just how seriously the baby had been hurt. In addition to the broken leg, he had bruising and lacerations around his private parts and had a serious bacterial infection from paper towels found inside his body, Anderson testified.
He underwent surgery and was very ill for some time, but is now recovering and is in the custody of his natural father, police sources say.
After an investigation, police charged Amish with aggravated child neglect or endangerment and aggravated assault by failure to protect. They charged Holman with aggravated rape of a child and aggravated child abuse. Both remain jailed under $200,000 bond, and according to testimony yesterday, the mother has been cooperating with police against Holman.
Photographs of the baby's injuries were introduced as an exhibit in yesterday's hearing to be viewed by Patterson, but at the request of defense attorney Mackie, the photos were sealed from the public record.
"They are sensational and might taint the jury pool if they were made part of the public file," Mackie said.
Mackie asked the court to reduce Holman's bond to $50,000 so that he could post the required amount and be released, and he led Holman's father, Dan Holman, through testimony designed to show that, if released, the young man would be living at his family home in Sparta and would be working for the family business, a parking lot maintenance company.
Holman's father said his son had only known Amish a few weeks when the incident with the baby occurred and said he had been living at his Sparta home for the past 15 years and not with Amish.
But Crawford argued that due to the lengthy prison sentence Holman may be facing in the case, reducing the bond was not appropriate.
"If convicted of these offenses of this heinous nature, he could be sentenced to 40 years and would have to serve it at 100 percent under state law," Crawford said. "The state is concerned about bond in cases where the length of the possible sentence could be an incentive not to show up in court."
Mackie argued that yesterday's testimony showed no evidence that rape had been committed.
"In the detective's testimony, there was no talk of sex and Mr. Holman was not the only person present who could have done this to the child," Mackie said.
Patterson said under state law a conviction for aggravated rape of a child could bring a 40 to 60 year sentence, which "in terms of sentencing is greater than a second degree murder conviction."
Patterson also expressed concern about some prior misdemeanor charges against Holman, including a theft charge and a drug paraphernalia citation, noting that "he was released to the community after those charges."
"I don't know of any reason to lower the bond," the judge said. "With the possibility of the sentence in this case, this bond is appropriate, and so the motion is denied."
Holman, who was brought to court from the jail, was taken back to jail following the hearing."
This POS sounds like a real sweetheart, I forgot that he broke the infants leg too.
"He said early on the child had anal fissures and he was treating it with paper towels and peroxide and he must have pushed too hard," Cookeville Police Detective Sgt. Bobby Anderson testified yesterday.
if anyone believes that, i have some swamp land in florida to sell you.
Big Bubba is waiting , to TREAT your anal fissures.....you disgust me.
If this POS is such a good guy why did his entire family skip his bond hearing? Why aren't they trying to get him more than a public defender.
That's also from the paper I'm too poor to buy.
Try taking the kid to the damn emergency room instead of trying to treat the anal fissures.
Okay...I read the post...I read the comments...all of them...I'm not in Tennessee, so I'm gonna open it up...
CONNIE, F*CK You!!! you are a total piece of shit and I wish nothing but pain and suffering on you and everyone who knows you...
F*CK your rapist, friend...I would love some time alone with that prick...If I ever get the chance to meet Richard, I wil strike him down with the fury of God's own thunder...And then I'll skull fuck him...Then I'll take some time on Ella...
Karma will get these f*ck stains...but I would prefer to handle it myself...Richard and Ella, and both their hillbilly, sister raping asshole families should be set on Fire...Fuck those people...
Sorry Connie...Now you're dealling with the Northern folks...The one sthat won the Civil War you backwards ass CUNT...Yes your a CUNT and I can't wait for God to Rape Your Soul...Oh wait...You f*ckers don't have a soul...
Drop Dead CUNT!
Beez, nice post, I was pretty hacked when I read it this morning and then went into research and destroy mode.
Like I said to CK, everything in this case points to another boyfriend/stepparent abusing someone else's child. Then he comes back with the kid had anal fissures that I was trying to treat...then how in the f--k did you break his leg.
And oh yeah...it's a 3 month old, how could anyone hurt that small a child, they are totally helpless.
I get disgusted whenever I think about it.
aw dayum i wanted to see if CLEETUS' wife came back, guess not.
beeze, i love when u & cowboy get feisty LMAO!
cleetus & connie sittin in a cell.....
The three of us are pretty good when we get feisty...Ha!!!
I think Beez and I are puppies compared to you when you get good and fired up CK.
lil ole me? couldn't be, why i'ma sweet as honey pie, honey chile LMAO!
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