Today is one of the great benefits of teaching; snow days. As you can see by the pictures we are inundated with snow here in NashVegas. Yes, I plan to enjoy the day doing stuff like Christmas shopping, watching tv, drinking hot tea, all the stuff you do when the weather is bad.
LMAO! 4 real?
Ice all over the city, snow is pretty easy to deal with but ice not so much. There was snow in other parts of the city and county so the well-paid decision makers made the call last night at about 10. There was much rejoicing.
i just now saw it on our news!! what a mess out your way huh, must be headed this way, OH JOY :)
Just in time for the weekend huh.
did it melt yet? i think it's headed PA way :( i know new hampshire got hammered with ice & shit, they had to declare a state of emergency !!!!
We started with rain this evening..okay more like falling slush...now we've got snow...so the roads should be fun in the morning on the way to the work.
I hope you enjoyed your day off.
yes I did
and yup it's gone off the streets but some places still have some snow on the rooftops. Cloudy, cold today, yuk.
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