Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Blogging vacation

Now that spring is trying to tease us with a little bit of warm weather here in NashVegas; it means that three things are about to happen.

1. It's very close to testing time here in NashVegas which means one thing; it's time to cram as much into each day as we can. Less time to blog at work.

2. Soccer season is almost upon us which means practice and games and most importantly watching the almost 6 year-old play. Less time to blog after work.

3. Finally, the spring lawncare season is starting up which means less time to blog at night and on the weekends.
Conclusion: less blogging

Two things that won't suffer: 1. time with family 2. Beer industry

Thanks to Thisisindexed.com for the fabulous description of my life right now.

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