Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Changing rooms is a real drag

I was told by my principal on Friday afternoon that instead of teaching 4th grade ESL next year, I'll instead be teaching 2nd.

No big deal I thought, 2nd has fewer standards, no state testing and a more narrow range of reading levels. On initial examination it seemed like a really good deal.

Then she hit me with the 2nd part of the deal, I have to change classrooms...damn it.

Luckily, I have been given permission to move anything I want into my new room and I am using every able-bodied student I have to move stuff. It's amazing what kids will do to help you;they are packing boxes, a nightmare for any Type A which thankfully I am not, taking papers and old boxes to the campus recycling center whatever I need.

There will be no pictures of the present carnage in room 307.


Angela Watson said...

Aw, come on, no pics?

I think the move will be worth it. No standardized test pressure? What a deal.

CowboyJoe said...

No test pressure is a definate plus.