I have taught either 3rd or 4th grade ESL or ELL for the past several years and every year we have gotten a new way to teach reading. Wait, it's not a brand new way every year, but it's a revision of the way we did it the year before. I have tried to implement the new method every year, some years I don't try very hard but I always end up back where I started, using real literature instead of textbooks or leveled readers or whatever else they have for us.
It's certainly not easier than using the reading textbook, I don't have the lessons laid out and I don't have worksheets to evaluate what they know and don't know. Not every child can effectively read the story so we spend time reading and rereading the book to practice vocabulary. Despite the trouble and the extra time needed to prepare lessons reading real literature is the best way to teach to children to read and more importantly to help them to like to read.
"Curous George ...this George he lived in Africa he is a little monkey and he likes to eat bananas one day there is a man had a big yellow hat he saw George and he put his hat under then George see it he likes it he put it on his head but the hat is very big than George head. When he put his it in his head he couldn't and go quickly to catch him after that the man who has a big yellow hat.
The only editing he did was to read what he wrote to one of his peers and they decided if it sounded like something you would like to read. His classmate helped him with his grammer and sentince structure. Is it a great piece of writing, probably not but it's a great piece of writing for someone who has been in the US less than 6 months.
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