Friday, November 21, 2008

Webicide or Suicide online, very sad

A 19 year old Florida teen live-streamed his own suicide and according to reports was egged on by others on the site. The picture showed the comments of others on an open network of thousands of live streaming channels.

From ABC News;

"People were egging him on and saying things like 'go ahead and do it, faggot,' said Wendy Crane, an investigator at the Broward County Medical Examiner's office.
Abraham Biggs, 19, of Pembroke Pines, Fla., had been blogging on an online body-building message board and had linked to his page on, a live video streaming Web site, where the camera rolled as he overdosed on prescription pills, according to Crane. Biggs, who had reportedly been discussing his suicide on the forums, also posted a suicide note. "

The bloggers said that Biggs had threatened to kill himself before and had faked it, so at first they didn't believe him," said Crane. "Gradually, as you read the blog further into the day the bloggers start commenting on how Biggs isn't moving."
Crane said comments on the thread included an exchange about whether the image of Biggs' motionless body was a still photograph or a video, and eventually resulted in one of the site's visitors calling the police, who tracked down the teen through his computer IP address.

In the Web stream, Crane said viewers saw a piece of a door frame -- which had splintered from the police kicking in the teen's bedroom door -- hit Biggs, who is curled up on his bed and facing away from the camera.
"Then you see a police officer go in and check on him, and then the EMS pronounced him dead," said Crane.
Biggs was pronounced dead at 3:30 p.m. Nov. 19 -- about 12 hours after he had begun blogging about his suicide.
The official cause of death was suicide combined with drug toxicity. Crane said that benzodiazepines and opiates were found near the body, but a blood toxicology to quantify just how much Biggs consumed is still under way.
Crane said that at least one of the prescription drugs was in Biggs' name."


Anonymous said...

OH MY DEAR GOD, this is an outrage!

how sad & tragic 1)that he felt no other way besides killing himself
2) his familia right before the holidays & all. this is just heartbreaking & SICKENING all in one lump!!!!!!

i hope he's in a better place now & at peace!!

Lester's Legends said...

Sad story. It's a shame nobody heard his cry for help and gave him the help he needed.

Anonymous said...

i'm still feeling sick from this i mean, i can't imagine at all!!

the net is NOT good for all & they should shut down that website that lets these ppl. stream stuff like this....i mean seriously, WTF, if i was his parent(s) i'd sue the hell out of that site!!

ok, the more i think about it the more i'm losing track of what's important. this poor kid!!

CowboyJoe said...

Who in the f--k puts up "go ahead and do it, faggot" when someone says they want to kill themselves.
Teens, and this guy was a teen, 19,often talk about and try suicide before they will follow through. It's rare, very rare that they do it the first time they talk about it.

Anonymous said...

some low class idiot would put that......the net is not good for all cowboy!!

Unknown said...

Good thing he succeeded, other wise he would be in jail for attempted suicide!

Anonymous said...

HEY picture of a statue

Hollyweird : State of Denial : United States

your profile says it all about run along & play in traffic.

CowboyJoe said...

buddha, Uncool bro, really uncool.
Were you one of the ones encouraging him to kill himself?