I was one of those lucky kids who grew up listening to great country music; Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson, Waylon Jennings, Merle Haggard. Among those it was Cash and Nelson who I follow to this day.
I have always had a lot of respect for what Willie has tried to do with his FarmAid concerts and now with his BioDiesel product he's promoting to try to cut our dependance on foreign sources of oil.
Now Nelson is at it again, writing an open letter to Obama asking him to reorganize food and farm policies to help American farmers. Here are some of the highlights:
He wants his his FarmAid Organization as a resource to help the new administration develop a food and farming policy that supports sustainable family farms. He also wants to wants the federal government to provide support for his Good Food Movement that supports local farmers and their efforts to get their products to markets both local and nationwide.
I don't know if president-elect Obama will listen to him, I hope he does. Nelson truly cares about a forgotten part of our country's wealth and incidently, the only ones not in Washington asking for billions to help bail them out. That in itself should be worth Mr. Obama's attention.
The letter and and more can be found here:
can't stand the guy, that twangy voice sorry cowboy, now mellencamp that's a different story. what makes you or anyone think that the president elect will not help farmers?
It's not a matter of not helping them it's how they help them.
Mellencamp is pretty awesome but he's no Willie.
i'm just not a fan of country, my dad was though big time!!!
he's going to be a bit busy when he 1st takes over, hell he's busy now!!
i'm sure no one will forget the farmers!! they are one of the backbones of america!!
No they won't be forgotten, hopefully he'll help the small family farms, you know the ones that are hard to find.
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